Deciding on the Insulation for your New Home

You’ve got most of the bigger details of your new home construction sorted out, and now it’s time to tend to the smaller details. It’s essential that you give close and careful consideration to how you’ll insulate your home. Besides overall comfort, the insulation you choose for your new home construction can go a long way in saving you money on your energy bills. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your selection.
Your Space
The overall design of your home goes a long way in deciding what kind of insulation will work best in your property. One factor you want to focus on is the insulation’s overall R-value. This is defined as the overall measure of resistance to the flow of heat through the insulation’s thickness. Work closely with your builder to decide whether you’ll need to opt for different types of insulation for different areas of your home, especially any unusual spaces you may have as part of your new home construction.
Tax Incentives
Depending on where you live and the type of insulation you choose, it may qualify for certain tax incentives or tax rebates. To find out, reach out to your local electric company; or, you can ask your builder about it. Even if you’ll need to choose a more expensive insulation to qualify, it could pay off in the incentive or rebate you receive, as well as the money you can save on future power bills.
Insulation Type
Speaking of a more expensive insulation, you likely have a few options to choose from: reflective, fiber and foam. It’s best to sit down with your builder to decide which type is best for your budget and your home. Consider your new home construction building materials and your geographic location while narrowing down your options.
You won’t see your home’s insulation, but you’re sure to see (and feel) the overall impact it has. Use these tips to find the best selection.